Will Vikings’ RB Adrian Peterson win the MVP award in 2016

Minnesota Vikings' running back, Adrian Peterson, attempts to elude defenders.
Minnesota Vikings' running back, Adrian Peterson, attempts to elude defenders.

Everyone knows the Vikings are supposed to contend for a championship this season. Everyone knows the Vikings have a running back named Adrian Peterson on the team that is rather good; to put it mildly. What everyone doesn’t know is how well Peterson will perform this season.

Some attest that Peterson could easily win his second MVP award this season, after winning his first in 2012. Even though history would suggest it to be a safe bet, most bettors would not be willing to place a large amount of money against Peterson. History has rarely met a match like him and for many reasons Peterson is one of the few favorites to win the MVP award in 2016.


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Offensive line upgrade

It’s no secret that the Vikings have made a concerted effort to upgrade their greatest weakness from the 2015 season. If the upgrades play up to their billing, Peterson will be hitting the defensive backs far more often than he did last year. Peterson, as we all know, is a tough tackle for anyone and especially so for undersized defensive backs.

If Peterson gets to hit defensive backs more often, they will be on their toes and gassed by the fourth quarter. Many astute football minds believe the emergence of Jerick McKinnon will keep Peterson fresh and allow him to close out games, protecting the Vikings’ lead. A fresh Peterson in the fourth quarter is a scary thought for any opposing defense.

Wide receivers

Even with knowing very little about Laquon Treadwell, he is definitely an upgrade as far as effort is concerned in all facets of the game over Mike Wallace. Teddy Bridgewater has another year under his belt to work with Stefon Diggs, Charles Johnson and even Cordarrelle Patterson. Patterson’s development this offseason has been a surprise and widely noted by many sources.

With opposing defenses having to play off the line of scrimmage to avoid giving up the big play, Peterson will face less men in the box than he is accustomed to. In this case, less equals more as Peterson can and will steamroll over defenses with less than eight men in the box.

New offensive look

This may be the year we actually see the high flying Norv Turner offensive attack we have heard so much about the last few years. Peterson is said to be looking great catching passes out of the backfield this offseason. In theory, if Peterson could get the ball in space on a quick outlet pass, defenses should have one hell of a time trying to stop him.

Not only does a better offense get Peterson the ball more often, it stays on the field longer and gives Peterson more red zone looks. More looks should lead to more yards and touchdowns. Touchdowns tend to garner more looks from MVP voters.

Mike Zimmer’s defense

This may be an odd reason to some as to why an offensive player wins MVP in the NFL. Simply put, a great defense puts the ball in the offense’s hands more often. If Zimmer’s defensive scheme can give his offense the ball more often, that means more touches for Peterson. Peterson’s averages last season were less than what fans were accustomed to but they should increase with an improved defense.

Final thoughts

Peterson turns 31 this year and 30-something running backs rarely produce. In fact, Peterson is the only running back to win the award in the last nine years. To say the NFL has become pass-happy would be greatly underselling the situation. That pass-happiness is actually a plus for Peterson this season, because he will finally be used to his full potential.

Peterson may be 31 but he has one less year of wear and tear on his body due to his nearly season long suspension two years ago. Either way, Peterson has proven to be an entity the NFL has never witnessed before. If Peterson says he is going to win the MVP award, this writer is definitely not going to doubt him, will you?

Justin Ekstrom can be followed on Twitter @thesportscrib21. Like, follow and upvote vikings32 on on Facebook, Twitter, Reddit.

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