Viewers complain that Justin Timberlake's halftime Super Bowl show is marred by sound problems

Justin Timberlake during his Super Bowl performance - Getty Images North America
Justin Timberlake during his Super Bowl performance - Getty Images North America

Justin Timberlake may have wowed many with a Super Bowl performance that ran through his back catalogue of greatest hits but plenty of TV viewers complained that they could not hear his vocals properly.

They took to Twitter to complain that his halftime medley – which included a virtual duet with Prince – was marred by sound problems.

Some thought his vocals were muted, or hidden beneath the meaty backing track, or that they even disappeared altogether at times.

The singer did manage to avoid any wardrobe malfunctions at least although he did manage a reference to his infamous 2004 appearance when yanked off rather too much of Janet Jackson’s costume. 

He played Rock Your Body the same song he performed with Jackson 14 years ago that resulted in "nipplegate”.

But for some viewers – mostly on the East Coast rather than elsewhere - the 14-minute performance was most notable for the audio problems. 

The best (and worst) Super Bowl halftime shows

 Twitter quickly lit up with anxious viewers wondering whether their TV set or their own ears were to blame.