Vietnam veterans recognized at annual ceremony

Apr. 1—Veterans from around Haywood County gathered in front of the historic courthouse to recognize and honor Vietnam veterans in an annual ceremony Friday morning.

The ceremony is held every year on March 29, which was designated as National Vietnam War Veterans Day in 2017. The date marks the day in 1973 when the last combat troops were withdrawn from Vietnam and the last prisoners of war held in North Vietnam arrived on American soil.

The ceremony was a little more special this year, serving as the first National Vietnam Veterans Day held after Cpt. Frederick "Freddie" Hall returned home to his final resting place last summer. Hall was a jet navigator and had went missing in action in April 1969 during a mission. Over 54 years later, his remains were located and returned to his final resting place in Waynesville — a day that was marked with numerous ceremonies honoring the fallen airman.

The service began with a welcoming introduction from Carol Litchfield representing the local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Then, a commemorative flag was raised by the Tuscola JROTC alongside the American flag outside of the courthouse. Both flags were then lowered to half-mast.

The raising of the flags was followed by a prayer, led by Johnny Grogan, chaplain for the local chapter of Vietnam Veterans of America.

Those lost in action were recognized with a ceremonial roll call and tolling bell and a wreath was placed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in front of the courthouse.

Taps were played and then Vietnam-era veterans were invited onto the courthouse steps to be recognized by those in attendance.