Video: Nike CEO hints that Apple and Nike are working ‘stealth’ new wearable gadgets

Video: Nike CEO hints that Apple and Nike are working ‘stealth’ new wearable gadgets

Nike and Apple have a long history together, so as the worlds of fitness and technology continue to collide, it stands to reason that these two giants of their respective industries would come together once again. Of course when Nike discontinued its fitness band recently, rumors swirled suggesting that the company would move away from hardware as a new partnership with Apple was formed. Now, according to some not-so-subtle hints in a recent interview, Nike CEO Mark Parker indicated that there are indeed some exciting things to come from Apple and Nike.

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In an interview with Bloomberg TV, Parker spoke for a good amount of time about Nike’s extensive history working with Apple. Parker worked with late Apple co-founder and CEO Steve Jobs for quite some time, and current Apple CEO Tim Cook is on Nike’s board, so it’s clear the two companies still have a relationship.

Regarding work the two companies might do together in the future, the Nike executive dropped several hints that there are new wearable devices in the works.

“I think it’s going to be a big part of the future, absolutely,” Parker said. “I think the form it takes is critical. You can go from the very geeky kind of wearables today – we’ve all seen some of those – to what I think you’ll see in the future, things that are more stealth, more integrated, more stylish and more functional, yes.”

The full interview is embedded below, and the chat about Apple starts at about the 9:45 mark.

More from BGR: A new iPhone 6 problem arises: Dye from jeans is ruining the iPhone’s plastic strips

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