Video Of Mountain Biker's Wild Ride Will Terrify You

This mountain biker got a little too close to nature.

Davis Souza wasspeeding down California's Mills Peak Lookout Trail on his mountain bike last week when a dark figure emerged from the shadows and leapt directly in front him, according to Grind TV.

The collision with the black bear, combined with Souza's high speed, knocked him off his bike, over his handlebars and into the rocky terrain. Souza recorded the collision on his helmet camera, as seen in the video below.

"Yeah," Souzasays in between moans of pain. "That was a bear."

By the time Souza got back up on his feet, his friends had caught up to him on the trail. The bear, however, disappeared into the woods.

"This bearcame out of nowhereand was gone before I could ask if it was all right," Souza explained on an Instagram post.

Souza took a screen grab of the video after the crash and brightened the shadows to show his friends the true horror of his beary scary clash.

"Unfortunatelythis bear wanted to test my reflexes," he wrote in a separate post.