VIDEO: Minute Makeover: Prevent Kitchen Clutter

From precariously stacked tupperware to too many photos on the fridge, one family's kitchen is over-stuffed and overwhelming. Luckily, a few simple adjustments were enough to get it clean and clutter-free.

Mismatching containers and a photo-covered fridge simply makes the Haskins' kitchen feel small, cluttered, and physically (and visually) cramped. When under-counter storage is limited in the kitchen, it's hard to avoid stacking boxes, containers, and tupperware on top of the fridge and cabinets. This makes it hard to reach things and it can quickly become a precarious situation where things may topple over. For the Haskins, the solution was simple: Make better use of their vertical space with wall shelving and limit their plastic containers to a few handy sets. And remember...while photos can add personality and charm to a room, too many displayed haphazardly on surfaces like the fridge can have an opposite effect.

Looking for moreMinute Makeovers? See ourhow to baby-proof the kitchen -- stylishlyandhave fun with changing up your pillowscape.

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.