VIDEO: How to Make Magnets Featuring Your Neighborhood

Customized fridgemagnetsmake great handmade party favors because they're a budget-friendly project that's quick to complete. This idea from designer Jessica Jones (you might know her from the awesome blogHow About Orange) offers a personalized twist by using pieces of a map to add a little extra flair. Here's how to make themagnets...

Jessica started with plain wooden disks (available in the woodcrafting section of your craft store) then added a magnet to the back. Next, she glued on pieces of a paper map to the top of each disk. So far, so good. The unexpected step: Applying a coat ofMod Podge Dimensional Magicto the top of the map. This will seal the paper but also add a super-glossy finish that just looks amazing.

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Want to see how to make magnets first-hand? Watch this...

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.