VIDEO: How to Display Photos - A DIY Accordion Album

Wonderinghow to display photosin a way that doesn't involve a scrapbook or frames? Then check out this easy project fromElizabeth Abernathy.

If you have enough follow-through to actually download and print the photos on your digital camera, I salute you. But you also might have a new problem on your hands: Lots of photos that have nowhere to go. Sure, some can go into a scrapbook (which you will shut and never really look through again) or in a frame (good for the 3 really great shots in the mix). But I like this idea for a standing accordion photo display fromElizabeth Abernathy.

With the accordion display, you can show a bunch of photos at once, cheaply. Elizabeth used photo postcards from Italy to illustrate the tutorial, which shows the power of using images from the same theme or event. This would make a great gift for someone you've traveled with, a wedding thank-you or a birthday present. Check out the full tutorial over at Elizabeth Abernathy.

Want more ideas forhow to display photos? Then take a look at...
Create a free photo cube in minutes
DIY Inspirations: The deliberate, haphazard photo display
DIY Inspirations: Photo displays with a natural touch

And if you want to go the traditional framing route, check out the tips in this video...

This article originally appeared on HuffPost.