Video shows Tim Walberg suggesting Gaza be dealt with 'like Nagasaki and Hiroshima'

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U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg, R-Tipton, took sharp criticism from Democratic colleagues Saturday after a video was posted of him on social media at a town hall earlier in the week in which, after being asked about the Israeli-Hamas conflict, he seemed to suggest it would be acceptable to drop nuclear weapons on Gaza in an attempt to "get it over quick."

In the video, which was independently reviewed by the Free Press, Walberg — who can be heard clearly but is outside the camera's range — was asked at a town hall meeting in Dundee on March 25 whether the U.S. should be spending money on building a temporary port in Gaza to move humanitarian aid into the country, as proposed by President Joe Biden in his State of the Union address this month.

"We shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid," Walberg said. "It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick."

The 47-second video posted on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, by some affiliated with the Democratic-aligned group DemCast ended immediately after that, so no other comments were captured. But a longer video reviewed by the Free Press showed Walberg continuing, saying: "The same should be in Ukraine. Defeat (Russian leader Vladimir) Putin quick. Instead of 80% of our funding for Ukraine being used for humanitarian purposes, it should be 80%-100% to wipe out Russian forces if that’s what we want to do."

Walberg didn't specifically mention nuclear weapons, but the reference to two Japanese cities decimated by the first atomic weapons used in wartime was unmistakable.

After Democrats blasted Walberg for the comment Saturday, the congressman's spokesman, Mike Rorke, did not dispute that the video was genuine, though he suggested it was being taken out of context.

"His answer was in direct response to a question about American troops being deployed into Gaza to build a port to send aid," Rorke said in an email to the Free Press. "Congressman Walberg vehemently disagrees with putting our troops in harm’s way. He has great empathy for the innocent people in Gaza who have been thrust into this situation due to the attack carried out by Hamas leaving 1,163 innocent civilians dead. To this day, Hamas still is holding hostages, including Americans. Hamas should surrender and return the hostages."

Rorke continued: "During his (Walberg's) community gathering, he clearly uses a metaphor to support Israel’s swift elimination of Hamas, which is the best chance to save lives long-term and the only hope at achieving a permanent peace in the region."

While the edited video showed Walberg responding to a constituent's question not about troops but about the cost of building a port and included the congressman saying no money should be spent on humanitarian aid, the longer video — which was taken on a cell phone by Pat Ulanowicz of Adrian, who is also the chairman of the Democratic Party for Michigan's 5th Congressional District, the district represented by Walberg, and who shared it with the Free Press — showed the exchange was prefaced by an earlier question about whether the building of the port would effectively mean sending U.S. troops to Gaza.

"I would say they are; the president says they are not," Walberg said to that earlier question. "Once that (the port) is hooked up, that becomes fair game, so you are putting our troops in harm's way. I don’t see how you could possibly say that isn’t putting our troops in harm's way in Gaza where we shouldn’t."

The statement from Walberg's office, however, doesn't take into account that the language employed by Walberg suggests a scenario that would result in enormous numbers of civilian casualties. At no point in the longer video does Walberg say he intended the reference to be a metaphorical one instead of a literal one.

Walberg, in the video, also called Israel perhaps America's greatest ally in the world.

Congress' only Palestinian American member, U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, on Saturday sharply denounced Walberg's comments, as did other Democratic members of Michigan's U.S. House delegation.

“It’s disgusting and disgraceful that anyone, let alone a U.S. congressperson, would call for the genocide of Palestinians with nuclear weapons," said Tlaib, who has been insisting for months that the Biden administration demand an Israeli ceasefire against Hamas in Gaza.

In World War II, the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on the two Japanese cities Walberg referenced in an effort to bring to an end a conflict that would ultimately cost 15 million lives on battlefields worldwide. More than 200,000 people were killed or wounded in the two bombings.

Ulanowicz's video of the entire town hall was about an hour long, and he said the only reason he didn't video Walberg speaking directly was because he didn't want to hold up his hand for that period of time. He also said the video released publicly was edited by someone else who added the script before it was posted on X.

DemCast characterizes itself as "a digital movement" that, in order "to combat the prolific disinformation that is spreading online," asks "everyday social media users to share the truth and calls-to-action in their own social media feeds."

Tlaib — who was censured by the House in November for her defense of the phrase "from the river to the sea," which many find an antisemitic call for Israel's destruction but which she argued is a demand for Palestinians to have a homeland — said it was unfathomable that Walberg would "seek to repeat the unimaginable horrors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima."

"Rep. Walberg is not the first member of Congress to use despicable, violent, dehumanizing language to describe their genocidal intent in Gaza and will not be the last," she said. "This kind of anti-Palestinian — and anti-Asian —hate must be defeated.”

Tlaib wasn't the only Democrat to denounce the remarks. State Sen. Darrin Camilleri, D-Trenton, on X called on Walberg to resign.

Walberg, a Baptist pastor, served in the House from 2007 to 2009 and has served again since 2011, making him the longest-serving current member of the state's House delegation. His district in south-central Michigan is one of the most conservative in the state.

U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Lansing, who is Jewish, decried the statements attributed to Walberg.

“This is a reprehensible thing for anyone to suggest, especially an elected official and someone who considers himself a man of faith," said Slotkin, who is running for Michigan's open U.S. Senate seat this year. "Rep. Walberg should take back his comments and try to put himself in the shoes of the many Michiganders who see themselves in the casualties in Gaza.”

U.S. Rep. Dan Kildee, D-Flint Township, characterized Walberg's comments as "horrific and shocking."

"It is an indefensible position to argue against humanitarian relief for the people of Gaza while also calling for the wholesale massacre of the Palestinian people," he said. "I could not disagree more with these extreme and dangerous comments."

Michigan has been a central player in the calls for an Israeli ceasefire largely because of the large Arab American and Muslim communities in southeastern Michigan, especially in and around Dearborn.

The Gaza Health Ministry has estimated 32,000 Palestinians have been killed following the counterattack by Israeli forces after Hamas, which runs Gaza, launched an attack on southern Israel last October. Biden has urged Israel to make a proportional response that limits civilian casualties but hasn't demanded a ceasefire.

Contact Todd Spangler: Follow him on Twitter @tsspangler.

This article originally appeared on Detroit Free Press: Walberg: Gaza should be treated 'like Nagasaki and Hiroshima'