Vice President Kamala Harris in Milwaukee, touts economic efforts

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MILWAUKEE - Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Milwaukee on Thursday, May 16. It's her fourth visit to battleground Wisconsin so far in 2024.

Polls show the economy is the top issue for Wisconsin voters this fall, and the latest New York Times/Sienna College Poll found 56% of registered voters thought former President Donald Trump would do a better job on the economy, compared to 41% who said the same of President Joe Biden.

Harris' stop in Milwaukee came a week after Biden campaigned in Racine County. Despite its findings on the economy, the latest New York Times/Sienna College poll of Wisconsin showed Biden with a two-point lead over Trump.

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Comedian D.L. Hughley joined Harris as part of what the vice president dubbed the "Economic Opportunity Tour," which highlights a few of the administration's efforts – including historical investments, economic opportunity and community support.

"This is what is, frankly, facetious and wrong about the bootstrap theory – ‘just pick yourself up,’" Harris said. "'If you want to do better, you would do better. It must be some sign of a flaw in your character that you’re not doing as well as I am,' instead of understanding that not everyone has access to the information."

<div>Vice President Kamala Harris speaks in Milwaukee</div>
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks in Milwaukee

Harris said, because of the inflation reduction and infrastructure acts, the federal government is dropping "trillions of dollars on the streets of America right now." Those dollars have been put toward rebuilding roads, bridges and sidewalks; investing in a clean energy economy; and dealing with the climate crisis, the vice president said.

"It’s very important, and I ask all the leaders who are here to help us get this information out, which is why we have invited the leaders who are here," Harris said.

A crowd of 300 people, including Black small business owners, attended Thursday's gathering at Discovery World. Jaquilla Allen met the vice president; both share the same sorority, Alpha Kappa Alpha.

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"It was even more exciting because she looks like me, she's part of our organization, so it was lovely, just an experience," Allen said.

Republicans were critical of Harris' visit. State GOP Chair Brian Schimming wrote in a statement: "From higher inflation to lower wages, voters know they cannot afford another four years of Biden and Harris in the White House."

Former president Trump held his second rally of the year in Waukesha just a couple of weeks ago. Hundreds of people showed up to support.

The emphasis on Wisconsin from both Democrats and Republicans again reveals just how important the battleground state is to winning the White House – one of a handful of states political forecasters called a "toss up."

Watch Harris' full remarks


Jacob Fischer, RNC Spokesperson

"Kamala Harris is in Milwaukee to try to sell an alternate reality of prosperity and opportunity to Wisconsinites. No amount of dog and pony shows will change the fact that Wisconsin families are being crushed by higher prices everywhere from the supermarket to the gas pump thanks to Bidenomics."

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Ben Wikler

"From day one of the Biden-Harris Administration, President Biden and Vice President Harris have been focused on building an economy that works for everyone by creating opportunities for those left behind by Donald Trump and the GOP’s failed trickle-down economics. Vice President Harris’ Economic Opportunity Tour highlights the progress made by the Biden-Harris Administration to create jobs and invest in underserved communities across the country. The Democratic Party of Wisconsin is thrilled to welcome Vice President Harris back to Milwaukee to highlight the Biden-Harris Administration's historic investments and continued commitment to supporting entrepreneurs and businesses right here in the Badger State."

WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming 

"Every time Kamala Harris visits Wisconsin, voters are reminded of the failed agenda of the Biden Administration. From higher inflation to lower wages, voters know they cannot afford another four years of Biden and Harris in the White House."

Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Stephanie Bloomingdale

"It’s great to have Vice President Kamala Harris back in Wisconsin today to talk with Wisconsinites about how the Biden-Harris Administration is prioritizing good jobs and meaningful economic opportunity for all of Wisconsin. President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris are working everyday to lift up working people with good jobs, strong unions, and equal opportunity for all."