Vice Accidentally Reveals John McAfee's Secret Whereabouts from on the Lam

Who are the suckers now? While bragging about hanging out with tech guru turned murder suspect John McAfee, Vice accidentally revealed his location today by leaving the meta-data on a photo taken with him. Looks like McAfee is indeed out of Belize, as he claimed this morning. The GPS data, discovered by hacker @SimpleNomad, puts him just over the border, in Guatemala, as you can see below. (Cleverly in the exact opposite direction as the Belize-Mexico border, where his double was captured.)

RELATED: John McAfee, Anti-Virus Software Inventor, Reportedly Wanted for Murder in Belize

Earlier today, McAfee sounded so trusting and appreciative of all the two Vice journalists, Rocco Castoro and Robert King, had done for him. He might not feel that way, now that the whole Internet (and the Belizian official after him) knows his whereabouts. Of course, knowing McAfee, all of this could be another one of those mind-bending McAfee ruses to get us think that McAfee has made it to Guatemala, when really he's still holed up in Belize. We'll know more when Vice posts its full (surely wild and crazy) video report within the next 24 hours.

RELATED: On the Lam, John McAfee Claims He Is Innocent