A Very Puppy Christmas

Every day The Atlantic Wire highlights the videos that truly earn your five minutes (or less) of attention, but today in honor of the holiday, it's all Christmas and puppies. Merry Xmas!

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Inspired, or shall we say emotionally dismembered, by this most adorable Devin Graham Puppy Christmas video (below), we present some of the Internet's finest Christmas puppy surprises. Many puppy-derived tears were shed to make this post. You're welcome. Starting with Graham's gaggle of cuties frolicking among Christmas presents, happy holidays from The Atlantic Wire. [The Atlantic]


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As one might imagine, gifting a living creature has its obstacles. Like, getting it to stay put before the big reveal. But that part's really cute, too! You can tell how baby this one is by the juxtaposition of the adult hand to its tiny face. 

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Of course, the absolute best part of puppy presents is the complete and absolute joy that comes along with the ordeal. While doing our research we noticed a general theme. Puppies equal pure joy. Example numero uno:

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But puppies aren't just for the young. The creatures are universally beloved. Appropriately titled, "The Happiest Moment in Human History," the following clip proves a puppy will overwhelm even the most seasoned present recipients.

But not everyone responds with shrieks and smiles. So overwhelmed with the surprise, some channel their emotions in unexpected ways, like Ethan, below. 

YouTube has so many more wonderful Christmas puppy moments. It's potentially a very dangerous black hole of procrastination. Thankfully, the Internet knows us well and has made us this montage of some of the best. Enjoy.