‘A Very Joe Bob Christmas’ Gets Teaser Ahead Of Release

A prmotional ad for Joe Bob Briggs' Dinners of Death
A prmotional ad for Joe Bob Briggs' Dinners of Death

Joe Bob Briggs is something of an obscure name to the masses, but horror fans have been practically piling on top of one another to watch his return to movie hosting in 2018. Earlier in the year, Joe Bob Briggs hosted The Last Drive-In on Shudder, a 24-hour long marathon of horror films. The special garnered such a massive response, Shudder’s servers couldn’t take the web traffic and crashed.

Fortunately for horror fans, Shudder was able to restore the live stream and made the entire special available to stream on demand. Briggs returned last month for a Thanksgiving special, Dinners of Death, which also received a warm reception.

According to a report from EW, Joe Bob Briggs is returning once again, this time for a Christmas special called A Very Joe Bob Christmas. What’s more, Briggs informed viewers that this upcoming special will feature four films from the same franchise, though he declined to specify which horror franchise that may be.

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