Ventura High students walk out of class to support raises for teachers

Jade Reily clambered on top of a chair in a Ventura High School parking lot and lofted a megaphone over her head.

A rose, red in support of the school district's two employee unions, blossomed at her neck.

"Make some noise," the high school junior yelled, her voice crackling out from the speaker over the heads of a couple hundred students. The crowd obliged.

Reily's dyed-red hair flashed in a sunbeam. She shouted: "I'm gonna keep my hair red until they pay our teachers!"

As negotiations between the Ventura Unified School District and two employee unions continue to stall, hundreds of Ventura High students walked out of class Friday morning to protest the district's offered pay increase for teachers and staff.

Jade Reily, a junior at Ventura High School, shouts with a crowd of hundreds as students participate in a walkout to support raises for district teachers and staff on Friday.
Jade Reily, a junior at Ventura High School, shouts with a crowd of hundreds as students participate in a walkout to support raises for district teachers and staff on Friday.

Minutes after the fourth-period bell, students flooded out the school's front doors and headed for a parking lot on Main Street.

"Raise the pay!" they chanted, rallying honks from passing traffic.

"We want to protest for our teachers' pay. We wanna give love to them," said Mateo Navarro, a senior and one of the protest organizers.

Marissa Cervantes, the school's principal, had been notified of the walkout early in the week and watched on with other staff.

"We're supporting students in exercising their First Amendment rights and ensuring their safety," she said.

Some students headed back to class after the initial burst of energy faded. A few appeared to take the opportunity to leave campus altogether. But a few hundred stayed on Main Street, waving handmade signs and shouting slogans.

Navarro said turnout far outpaced his expectations.

"It's going crazy," he said, darting between the main group of students and a sign-making station.

Months of bargaining between the district and its teacher and classified employee unions, which are negotiating jointly, have seen little progress. Union representatives contend the offered package does not match the rise in Ventura's cost of living.

The groups won't return to negotiations until Nov. 9 but are still a few steps away from necessary conditions for a strike.

"Great students are passionate about education and issues. Ventura Unified has great students because of passionate educators. I think the best place for students is in class," said Dan Nelson, president of the Ventura Unified Education Association, which represents district teachers, in a texted statement Friday afternoon. "It seems today some of the students chose to teach all of us how much they value their teachers and educational staff."

Citlaly Carranza, a junior, and Brenda Castillo, a freshman, both carried homemade signs and wore red, the color the two unions have worn in protests earlier this year.

"It's all about supporting our teachers," Carranza said.

Castillo agreed: "They do so much more than what they're paid for."

Jayden Johnson, left, Gwen Withers, Jazmin Kinchlow and Leia Ludy of Ventura High's Black Student Union hold up a sign as they join hundreds of other students in a walkout Friday to support more pay for teachers and staff.
Jayden Johnson, left, Gwen Withers, Jazmin Kinchlow and Leia Ludy of Ventura High's Black Student Union hold up a sign as they join hundreds of other students in a walkout Friday to support more pay for teachers and staff.

Shannon McNally-Ham, a paraeducator who works with visually impaired students, watched from a nearby set of stairs.

"It tears me up. It makes me so proud of these kids," she said. "They organized this for the right reasons."

Oliver Henn, a freshman, said he walked out because his aunt, a teacher, and mother, a school nurse, are both district employees.

"I would have organized this myself," he said. "I don't know if it's gonna change anything, but it got the message through."

Reily, the red-haired protester, said she'd joined teachers to speak at the district's Oct. 11 board meeting and had been plastering the campus with pro-raise posters.

A serial hair-dyer, she decided three weeks ago to keep her hair red until negotiations were settled.

"I hope for not much longer after this," she said.

Isaiah Murtaugh covers education for the Ventura County Star in partnership with Report for America. Reach him at or 805-437-0236 and follow him on Twitter @isaiahmurtaugh and @vcsschools. You can support this work with a tax-deductible donation to Report for America.

This article originally appeared on Ventura County Star: Ventura High students stage walkout to support teacher raises