At Vance School in New Britain, mayor and police chief greet youngsters on first day of class

As they filed in for the first day of class at Vance School on Wednesday morning, New Britain youngsters exchanged high fives with Mayor Erin Stewart, Police Chief Chris Chute and Principal Sarah Harris.

New Superintendent Tony Gasper also greeted Vance’s 430 elementary grade students, and gold balloons and “welcome” signs were put along the parking lot.

It was all part of a drive to provide a little extra pep for the start of the school year that could be transformational for New Britain.

“Welcome — have a great morning, have a great year,” Stewart said as lines of children streamed past the main door.

Stewart and Harris hugged several nervous-looking parents as they dropped off their youngsters, and shook hands with others.

Gasper, who has been with the district officially for less than three months, introduced himself to parents and staffers alike.

Gasper last week offered a theme of teamwork at a conference with faculty last week, and Harris brought that to youngsters on Wednesday when she encouraged them to get the most out of the new school year by working cooperatively.

Across the city, as many as 10,000 students and about 2,000 full-time and part-time staffers kicked off the first day of classes at 17 schools.

Politicians, parents and teachers are all looking for progress after several years of conflict between the school system’s leadership and Stewart’s administration.

Gasper has said that among other things, the system needs stronger teamwork, more accountability and feedback for staff, and an improved focus on attendance — not only the physical presence of students, but also their attention during classes.

At 7:30 a.m. at New Britain High School, the atmosphere was noticeably friendlier and more relaxed than last year, when the first weeks of class deteriorated into partial chaos that led to a brief shutdown while new disciplinary procedures were instituted.

On Wednesday, many of the 2,200 students hugged friends as they stood outside the building to wait for their new ID cards to be issued. One girl who cursed casually as she walked past James Jones, a retired dean of students who pitched in to help on the first morning, got a cheerful but firm reply: “You swear when you talk to me? No. Your summer is over.”

Principal Damon Pearce and his staff directed the students between a series of lines, and within 20 minutes most had gotten their new photo IDs and headed to homerooms or classes.

Seniors Keira Johnson and Jylell Smith both said they’re looking for a productive conclusion to their 12 years in the city’s school system.

“I want to make the most out of my senior year,” said Smith, who plans to study business management in college.

Johnson will study to be an accountant. She said despite the school’s size, it’s a friendly place.

“I feel welcome everywhere I go here. It’s so warm here,” she said. “I never feel like I’m just pushed away — I talk to people and make great connections.”