UW-Milwaukee must reverse course on concessions to pro-Palestinian demonstrators | Letters

I feel the need to express my extreme disappointment with UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone's decisions relating to his “negotiations” with the pro-Palestinian demonstrators whose protests so disrupted UWM campus life and the safety of its Jewish students. Their actions went far beyond “free speech” and their demands are simply outrageous.

Ceasing UWM relations with two of the most advanced water research companies in the world (based in Israel) is a serious black mark on UWM. But if you think that your actions were correct, let me make a few other suggestions you could initiate in your boycott of Israel:

  1. Cease using voice mail, it was developed in Israel.

  2. Get rid of your cell phones, the technology was developed in Israel at Motorola’s development center by Israeli scientists.

  3. Stop using any computers with Pentium NXT Chip technology, a Pentium 4 microprocessor and Centrum processor – all designed, developed and produced in Israel.

  4. Also destroy all your flash drives - the technology was developed in Israel.

  5. And of course stop using the popular world-wide navigation system WAZE developed in Israel.

  6. Medical: abandon the Israeli-made device that helps restore the use of paralyzed hands.

  7. Tell those with MS to ignore the Israeli patent that helps more accurately diagnose their symptoms.

  8. Stop using any tablets, lotions, drops, etc. made by the Israeli firms Abic and Teva – suffering from more severe colds and flu in the winter is a small price to pay to boycott Israel.

  9. Other Israeli inventions that must be abandoned - drip irrigation which multiplies crop production; the Israeli Bandage – a first-aid device that saves lives by stopping bleeding from hemorrhagic wounds; PillCam – a swallowable medical camera.

I could fill pages with Israeli contributions to the world in which we live. But, I think that I have made my point. And for the University investment portfolio, investment returns on Start-Up Nation (Israel) technology have surpassed any other investments in the world for a very long time.

As a long time Milwaukee resident, I believe that the course you are setting will severely damage the reputation of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. It will undermine the recent positive developments reported on the Microsoft front and give our community a “black eye.”

For the sake of “your” university, our community and the reputation of our Wisconsin college system, please reverse your path and restore integrity to UW-Milwaukee.

Lloyd Levin, Milwaukee

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Thanks for your anger mayor. It means nothing when the law goes unenforced.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Jewish students' safety disrupted by protests at UW-Milwaukee