Utah Sens. Romney, Lee self-quarantine after Rand Paul says he has coronavirus

After Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced on Sunday he has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, Utah's two Republican senators — Mitt Romney and Mike Lee — both said they have decided to self-quarantine.

Paul is the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the Senate. His office said he was asymptomatic, but was tested because he travels often and attends lots of events. Once he learned he tested positive for coronavirus, Paul went into quarantine at his home in Kentucky. His office did not say when he was tested.

Romney's office tweeted that because he sat next to Paul "for extended periods in recent days," he has been ordered by a doctor to "immediately self-quarantine and not to vote on the Senate floor. He has no symptoms but will be tested. He urges members to pass a relief package as quickly as possible that provides assistance for families, workers, and small businesses."

The Senate is now negotiating a $1.4 trillion coronavirus aid package. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Sunday said there are at least five Republican senators who have self-quarantined — in addition to Paul, Lee, and Romney, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) both went into isolation last week after learning they came into contact with a person who has coronavirus.

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