US Flight Deals from American Airlines

From American Airlines, the latest batch of US Flight Deals are good for Tuesday/Wednesday travel, January 18 through May 21. Tickets require a 14-day advance purchase, and must be booked by 11:59pm CT, January 20.

Travel is blacked-out for February 17. Sale prices are valid for travel to Florida on Sundays through Wednesdays. Sale prices are valid for travel from Florida on Tuesdays through Fridays. Other airlines may be matching along some routes.

Fares include:

Chicago to Memphis $174 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Chicago to Omaha $174 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Chicago to Rochester $198 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Chicago to Waterloo $198 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Chicago to Tulsa $254 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Dallas to New Orleans $126 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Dallas to Santa Fe $300 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes

Dallas to Ft Walton Beach $286 round-trip, nonstop, including all taxes