Upcoming video game releases: 'Kinect Star Wars,' 'Xenoblade,' 'Devil May Cry HD'

Among new and upcoming video games, intergalactic magic and jedi battles in Kinect Star Wars, Japan's epic Wii adventure Xenoblade Chronicles finally makes it to North America, and PlayStation 2 classics prepare for a 360 and PS3 debut with the Devil May Cry HD Collection.

Kinect Star Wars (360 Kinect)
North America: April 3, rated Teen
Europe: April 4, rated 12+
Japan: April 5, rated C (15+)

Get your imaginary lightsaber ready because Kinect Star Wars promises Jedi training, lightsaber duels, starfighter battles, podracing, and building bashing.
Price: $49 / €49 / £35 / R399 / ¥5,880

Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii)
North America: April 3, Teen
Europe and Japan: already available, rated 12+ / B (12+)

Considered the pinnacle of role-playing adventure on the Nintendo Wii, with engaging story, well-written characters, and an expansive world to explore. There's an absolutely immense amount of missions to complete, bosses to defeat, and allies to meet.
Price: $49 / €49 / £29 / R499 / ¥6,800

Devil May Cry HD Collection (360 PS3)
North America: April 3, Mature 17+
Europe: April 3, 16+
Japan: Since March 22, C (15+)

The fast, frantic, and distinctively challenging PS2 hack and slasher Devil May Cry and its partially more accessible sequels, all in advance of the upcoming reboot DmC.
Price: $39 / €39 / £29 / R399 / ¥4,990

Diabolical Pitch (360 Kinect download)
Worldwide: April 4, Teen

Use your baseball pitcher's robot arm to unleash a selection of furious fastballs on the creepy inhabitants of a ramshackle amusement park.
Price: 800 Points (~$10 / €9 / £7 / ¥1,180)
Developer website: grasshopper.co.jp

Fez (360 download)
Worldwide: April 13, Everyone

Adorable platform game with three-dimensional twist. Winner of several awards including the Independent Game Festival's Excellence in Visual Art (2008) and Grand Prize (2012).
Price: 800 Points (~$10 / €9 / £7 / ¥1,180)

Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir (3DS)
North America: April 13, Teen
Japan: Since January 12, B (12+)
Europe: Expected before July 2012

The 3DS's augmented reality camera allows players to see inside a spirit world, helping orphan Maya break the Purple Diary's curse.
Price: $39 / ¥3,800