Upcoming Motorola Droid Ultra leaks again in new color

Motorola Droid Ultra Leaked Picture
Motorola Droid Ultra Leaked Picture

Motorola is adding some more color to the smartphone world with its soon-to-be-announced Droid Ultra. A leaked picture posted by @evleaks over at The UnLockr shows that one version of the Droid Ultra will have an eye-catching red kevlar casing that will be an alternative to the standard all-black Droid Ultra that the company will likely unveil next week. @evleaks says that the other models that Motorola is set to launch next week, the Droid Maxx and the Droid Mini, will come in either white or black. Rumored specs for the Droid Ultra include a 5-inch full HD 1080p display, a quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB of RAM and a 10-megapixel camera. The picture of the Droid Ultra follows below.

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Motorola Droid Ultra
Motorola Droid Ultra

This article was originally published on BGR.com