Upcoming episodes of ‘The Walking Dead’ will run much longer than normal

After an incredibly violent beginning, the seventh season of The Walking Dead has finally calmed down a bit. Indeed, the past two episodes have been extraordinarily slow, if not downright boring at times. Of course, fans of the show shouldn’t worry too much as the series is simply laying the groundwork for what will likely be some thrilling episodes later on down the line. Indeed, the closing scene to this weekend’s episode, with Jesus discovering that Carl had stowed himself away in one of the Saviors’ trucks, suggests that the action and suspense will return to normal levels next week.

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Interestingly enough, the amount of drama and plotlines the writers of The Walking Dead want to cram into the current season appears to be far larger than a standard 60-minute TV spot would otherwise afford. That said, a recent Reddit thread reveals that upcoming episodes of the show will be given extended running times.

Per AMC, episode 6 of The Walking Dead will run for 70 minutes as opposed to the normal 60. What’s more, episode 7 of the show will run even longer, with a scheduled run-time of 90 minutes. That said, it’s reasonable to assume that Neegan will be making an unwelcome return to the screen sooner rather than later. His speeches (or rants, if you so prefer) do have a tendency to run quite long, after all.

As a final point, it’s worth noting that this isn’t the first time we’ve seen The Walking Dead run over time. Just last week, episode 4 was allotted 15 additional minutes of run time than normal.

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See the original version of this article on BGR.com