United Way CEO stepping down for new job

United Way of Greater Charlotte CEO Laura Yates Clark is leaving to join the Foundation For The Carolinas.

MORE: YMCA of Charlotte announces first woman to lead organization

Clark became president and CEO of United Way in 2018. During that time, she steered the nonprofit agency out of financial instability while shifting its funding and focus to neighborhood investments. Those investments aligned with a broader civic campaign to better serve historically underserved residents and areas in an attempt to reduce the ravages of systemic racism and inequity.

At Foundation For The Carolinas, Clark’s title will be president. She will report directly to foundation CEO Cathy Bessant, a former Bank of America Corp. executive. Bessant’s tenure as foundation CEO started in January.

Keep reading on CBJ’s website here.

(WATCH BELOW: ‘Doing what I love’: Charlotte YMCA’s first woman CEO shares career journey)