Unearthed: fast food, ancient-Roman style

It’s fast food joint, ancient Roman style.

Archaeologists have uncovered a street food stall in Pompeii - the city buried by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD.

The kiosk was discovered in a part of the site not open to the public, and unveiled Saturday (December 26).

Park director Massimo Osanna says it’s the first time a whole one has been unearthed.

He says traces of nearly 2,000-year-old food were even found in some terracotta jars.

They will be analyzed to see what kind of food Pompeii pedestrians favored.

The front of the counter is decorated with colorful frescoes, some depicting the meats on offer.

Archaeologists also found a bronze drinking bowl, cooking utensils and some bones.

Pompeii was home to around 13,000 people when it was buried under ash.

The ruins were discovered in the 16th century, with organized excavations starting in 1750.

Around two-thirds of the site has since been uncovered, with Pompeii now one of modern Italy’s most popular attractions.