UN Security Council condemns suicide bombings in Syria

The U.N. Security Council has condemned "in the strongest terms" four suicide bombings in Syria's largest city, Aleppo, which killed scores of civilians this week.

Guatemala's U.N. Ambassador Gert Rosenthal, the current Security Council president, read a statement Friday that expressed "deep sympathy and sincere condolences to the families of the victims of these heinous acts and to the people of Syria."

The bombings happened at about the same time Wednesday as Syria's cross-border shelling that killed five women and children in Turkey. The council on Thursday condemned the shelling. Turkey retaliated with artillery strikes that went deep into Syria.

Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari requested the condemnation of the suicide bombings, which he called "suicide terrorist attacks." He said some of the bombers travelled through the Turkish-Syrian border.