Ukrainian marines improve tactical positions on Dnipro’s left bank, situation remains difficult

Despite the successes of Armed Forces, situation in the Prydniprovskyi sector remains difficult
Despite the successes of Armed Forces, situation in the Prydniprovskyi sector remains difficult

Ukrainian marines holding a bridgehead on the left bank of Kherson Oblast recently had some success in area of Krynky, said Dmytro Pletenchuk, spokesperson for Southern Defense Forces on a national TV on May 25.

Read also: The latest on Ukrainian and Russian military positions near Avdiivka and Ivanivske

“As for the tactical situation on the left bank, we have improved it somewhat, and, accordingly, this gives us some advantage,” he said, noting that the situation there remainst difficult for both sides.

According to Pletenchuk, the Russians do not stop their assaults, despite significant losses.

“In total, our enemy lost about 80 people in our operational zone over the past day," added Armed Forces spokesperson.

"Half of them were killed. As for the directions: three attempts to attack were made in Prydniprovsky direction, in Kherson Oblast, Krynky, two more were in Orikhivsky direction. These attempts also ended bad for out enemy."

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