Ukrainian forces possibly hit Russian jets in Crimea ATACMS strike

Fires in the Belbek airfield area on May 15
Fires in the Belbek airfield area on May 15

Ukrainian Armed Forces may have targeted Russian MiG-31 fighter jets during the ATACMS missile attack on the Belbek airfield in temporarily occupied Crimea, the military portal Defence Express reported on May 15.

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Analysts base their assessment on satellite images of the Russian airbase and aircraft, released by the media on March 31. The imagery showed 24 Russian aircraft and six helicopters at Belbek.

"If we compare these images with the map of fires on the airfield after the strike, it can be assumed that ATACMS could have primarily targeted the MiG-31s — with the caveat that these are satellite images that are already over two weeks old," Defence Express said.

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NASA FIRMS fire monitoring system data suggests that the fires after the nighttime attack occurred approximately in the southern part of the airfield, OSINT expert @Osinttechnical said on X.

Ukrainian military officials have not yet commented on the information.

Read also: Ukraine strikes airport in Berdyansk, civilians reported explosions sounds and rising smoke

Fires broke out at the Belbek airfield in temporarily occupied Crimea following a missile attack overnight on May 15, the Crimean Wind monitoring channel reported, sharing satellite imagery showing the sources of ignition. Fires at the airport were recorded near the runway and aircraft parking areas.

Russians "repelled a massive attack" on Sevastopol, the so-called "governor of Sevastopol" Mikhail Razvozhayev claimed earlier on May 13.

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