Ukrainian Air Force explains why air-raid warning was not issued during attack on Kharkiv

Photo: Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office
Photo: Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor's Office

Illia Yevlash, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force, has commented on the Russian attack on Kharkiv and explained why an air-raid warning was not issued during the strike on 8 May.

Source: Yevlash on the air of the national joint 24/7 newscast

Quote: "Kharkiv is located very closely to the border with Russia, so very little time is left to detect and neutralise air threats on time. The Russians usually strike with the S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which are used as long-range artillery. They also try to disguise their systems to strike the city discreetly."

Details: Yevlash adds that the Ukrainian Air Force used all the necessary means and exchanged information with the partners concerning reconnaissance.

He states that at the moment, the Research Centre is establishing what kind of weapon was used this time. Only after its conclusion, will it be possible to say for sure what type of weapon it was.


  • Russian troops attacked a football ground in the Saltivka district in the city of Kharkiv on 8 May, leaving seven people injured, including children playing football. Dmytro Chubenko, spokesperson for the Kharkiv Oblast Prosecutor’s Office, assumed on the air of the national joint 24/7 newscast that an air-raid warning was not issued because it could be that air targets were not visible on the radars.

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