Ukraine's Armed Forces down fifth Russian Su-25 fighter jet in the last few days


The Ukrainian military shot down another Russian Su-25 attack aircraft near Pokrovsk on May 22, the General Staff reported in its 10:00 p.m. update.

It's the fifth Russian Su-25 to be taken out in the last few days.

Since the beginning of the day, the number of Russian attacks in near Pokrovsk increased to 25, the General Staff said.

The Russians are trying to penetrate the battle formations of the Ukrainian defenders with assault groups and equipment.

Read also: Ukraine downed Russian Tu-22 bomber with makeshift anti-air systems — Budanov

The situation remains tense — at the time of publication of the summary, nine combat clashes continued.

"According to available information, Ukrainian soldiers destroyed a Russian Su-25 attack aircraft," the General Staff said.

Read also: Ukrainian Air Force commander reveals downed Russian Su-34 fighter jet – video

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