Ukraine set to sign bilateral security agreement with Greece soon

Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva and Special Envoy of Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Ukraine Spyridon Lambridis
Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva and Special Envoy of Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Ukraine Spyridon Lambridis

Ukraine is on the verge of signing a bilateral security agreement with Greece, following discussions between Ihor Zhovkva, Deputy Head of the Presidential Office, and Spyridon Lambridis, the Greek Foreign Ministry's Special Envoy for Ukraine. This development was announced by the President's press service on May 23.

"During the meeting, they agreed to complete negotiations on the preparation of a bilateral security agreement so that Ukraine and Greece could conclude it in the near future," stated the press service. This agreement marks a significant step in strengthening the security ties between the two nations amidst ongoing regional tensions.

Read also: EU drafts Ukraine security agreement — report

Ukrainian bilateral diplomacy

In July 2023, G7 leaders announced that they agreed on a declaration on security guarantees for Ukraine.

Read also: Ukrainian President set to sign security pact with Spain — El Pais

As of April, Ukraine has signed security agreements with nine counties: the United KingdomGermanyFrance, Denmark, Canada, Italy, the Netherlands, Finland, and Latvia.

Ukraine is also in negotiations for similar agreements with the United States, NorwayEstonia, Portugal, Spain, and other countries.

On May 1, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that discussions are in progress with partners on seven additional security documents to strengthen Ukraine before it joins NATO.

German newspaper Welt on May 11 reported that European Union had agreed on a draft with security guarantees for Ukraine and was already discussing it with Kyiv, including whether NATO soldiers could be sent to Ukraine.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on May 14 said that upcoming bilateral security agreement between Washington and Kyiv will help Ukraine move closer to NATO membership.

Read also: Ukraine pursues bilateral security agreement with Luxembourg

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