Ukraine must guide Poland on handling its refugees — Polish FM

Polish FM Radosław Sikorski
Polish FM Radosław Sikorski

Any scheme of restrictions for Ukrainian men of military age in the EU should be pan-European, otherwise, draft dodgers "will start buying benefits across Europe," stated Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski in an interview with The Guardian on May 25.

He believes Ukraine "should specify what they want us to do with their citizens" who evade mobilization while abroad. Meanwhile, Sikorski supports ending social support for such individuals.

Read also: What categories of men can be returned to Ukraine from abroad?

"I certainly do not believe that a person has the right to receive social security for evading the draft," Sikorski said. "Those people who are fighting at the front also have human rights."

Return of Ukrainian conscripts from abroad

Read also: Estonia does not plan to deport Ukrainian men with expired passports

Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosyniak-Kamysh said on April 24 that Poland is ready to help Kyiv return men of military age to Ukraine, though he did not specify how.

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said on April 28 that Ukraine needs to take the initiative in returning men of military age, noting that this issue is "ethically ambiguous" for Poland.

Lithuania has also announced its intention to help Ukraine return men liable for military service.

Read also: Ukraine hasn't asked Poland for help returning draft-age men — Ambassador

The German government stated that Ukrainians would be able to stay in the country even with an invalid passport and that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry's decision to stop providing consular services to men abroad would not affect their refugee status.

Bavarian Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann called for the suspension of benefits for Ukrainian men who evade conscription in their country on May 24.

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