Ukraine has moved troops to the Russian border in Kharkiv Oblast to protect against a potential new advance

Attack on Kharkiv on May 17
Attack on Kharkiv on May 17

Ukraine has sent troops to the Russian border in Kharkiv Oblast in response to Russia's preparations for a possible new offensive, Sky News reported on May 19.

"We were hitting tanks on the border... it was already a real war," one fighter told Sky News.

Another soldier, whose brigade defended the city of Kupyansk, confirmed the transfer of forces to strengthen the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

This points to Ukraine's attempts to gather forces in advance to counter the strengthening of the Russian troops along its long northeastern border.

Read also: Ukrainian airstrike on seized hospital in Vovchansk kills dozens of Kadyrov's militants

Since the Russian offensive began, the situation has stabilized, but it is not clear how long this will last, another Sky News source said.

Russia attempted a second offensive on the border of Kharkiv Oblast at the beginning of May.

One Russian target is the city of Vovchansk, as its capture would make it possible to create a bridgehead for further strikes on Ukraine's Armed Forces.

Russian advance in Kharkiv Oblast

The Russians have heavily shelled border settlements in Kharkiv Oblast.

Russian troops initiated a new wave of counteroffensives on this front, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said while announcing the redeployment of Ukrainian forces to the Kharkiv sector.

Read also: Thousands of civilians evacuated from Ukraine’s frontline Kharkiv Oblast

Russia had tactical successes near Vovchansk on May 13, the Ukrainian Armed Forces General Staff said, adding that the situation on the Kharkiv front remained difficult.

The attack on Vovchansk and an attempt to encircle the city is a priority goal of Russian troops, the Institute for the Study of War believes.

Vovchansk was almost completely destroyed by relentless Russian shelling on May 14, local authorities reported, adding that the situation in the city is critical.

Russian invaders were taking positions on the streets of Vovchansk on May 15, Vochchansk's patrol police chief, Oleksiy Kharkivsky, reported.

Read also: Drone photos show devastation in Vovchansk amid Russian onslaught

The advance of Russian troops into northern Vovchansk was later confirmed by Ukraine's General Staff.

Ukraine has so far managed to "increase confidence" in the direction of Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, Zelenskyy said on May 16. He stated that the counterattack actions of the Armed Forces are taking place in various areas, in particular in the border areas of Kharkiv Oblast.

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