Uber Ends Self-Driving Car Trials In California

The California Department of Motor Vehicles revoked the self-driving fleet’s registrations Wednesday, forcing Uber to end trials.

Uber has been pro-active with its self driving fleet, going so far as to say that it did not need a permit to ply on San Francisco roads.

Yet, despite Uber’s statement, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) has forced the company’s self-driving fleet off Californian roads by revoking the vehicles’ registration.

The DMV on Wednesday withdrew the registration for 16 cars owned by Uber, since they were not properly marked as test vehicles, according to market watch.

“The DMV fully supports the advancement of autonomous technologies. This technology holds the promise of enhanced safety and mobility, but must be tested responsibly. We are committed to assisting Uber in their efforts to innovate and advance this ground-breaking technology,” the DMV wrote in its letter to Uber Wednesday.

On being asked what Uber plans to do next, an Uber spokesperson told Recode, "We are open to having the conversation about applying for a permit, but Uber does not have plans to do so.”

Uber’s tiff with the DMV started on Dec. 14, when the company rolled out its self-driving pilot without informing the California DMV. The DMV wrote a letter to Uber asking the company to cease self-driving operations and apply for permit.

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