U.S. House committee wants documents from former Trump aide Page

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee said on Thursday they want Carter Page, a former foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump's campaign, to hand over more documents as they investigate Russia and the 2016 election. "We're putting him on notice that he's got to comply with the subpoena," Republican Representative Mike Conaway, who is leading the committee investigation, told reporters. Page met with members of the committee on Thursday for about seven hours, after the panel subpoenaed him to testify. Committee members leaving the session said Page had answered their questions during the long session, but that he had declined to hand over all the documents they wanted. Asked after the meeting if he would comply with the subpoena, Page told reporters: "I'm working to help and provide everything that I possibly can." He met with the committee behind closed doors, but the panel has said it will release a transcript of his testimony publicly in three days. The Senate Intelligence committee has also issued a subpoena to Page in its investigation of how Russia might have influenced the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, and whether there was any collusion between Trump's campaign and Moscow. Russia denies such activity, and Trump has said repeatedly there was no collusion. (Reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Editing by Peter Cooney)