Typinator for Mac review

Typinator for Mac streamlines the reuse of commonly used phrases, terms, and images. With quick setup, compatibility in a number of different pieces of software, and the ability to define numerous repeatable pieces of text, Typinator is a useful addition to your software suite.


Fast and easy setup and use of frequent phrases: Typinator can be set up in a few minutes. The configuration tools in the main interface let you add and use your snippets fast, without requiring in-depth study or use of the more powerful functions of this piece of software.

Well documented with a long history of support: The developer offers exceptional support across the board with strong documentation updated to the newest version and quick support if you have any questions. This attention to detail and help in getting the most out of the tool make it easy to integrate as part of your productivity suite.


Can be daunting to unlock and use all features: The main issue you're likely to have with Typinator is how daunting it can be to access its most powerful features. Even with the documentation provided, there are a number of tools that will take time to fully explore.

Bottom Line

If you are eager to maximize your productivity on a Mac with a text expander and shortcut tool, Typinator is a powerful piece of software. For a low entry cost, you can integrate it with any of your word processing and Web-editing tools to speed up your daily tasks, making this well worth the download.

Editors' note: This is a review of the trial version of Typinator for Mac 6.3.1.

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