Two Republicans are running for Warren County sheriff in the June primary

Two Republicans are running in the June primary for their party's nomination for Warren County sheriff.

Sheriff Joe Carico faces a reelection challenge from Norwalk police officer Randy Hutchinson.

To help voters, the Des Moines Register sent questions to all federal and Des Moines area legislative candidates running for political office this year. Their answers have been lightly edited for length and clarity.

The primary election is scheduled for June 4 ahead of the Nov. 5 general election.

More: Early voting has started for Iowa's June 4 primary election. Here's what you should know:

Who is Randy Hutchinson?

Randy Hutchinson
Randy Hutchinson

Age: 58

Party: Republican

Where did you grow up: University Park

Current town of residence: Norwalk

Education: Knoxville Regular Baptist School from 5th to 10th grade. Grandview Park Baptist School my junior year. Bible Truth Chapel Educational Ministries in Oskaloosa my senior year. This school was not accredited so I got my GED from Southeastern Community College in Burlington. I also completed some credits through Indian Hills Community College while working full-time as a police officer.

Occupation: I am currently a police officer for the city of Norwalk. I have served in this position since 2005.

Political experience and civic activities: This is the first time I have officially ran for office. I recently started attending the monthly Warren County Republican Central Committee meetings and I am looking forward to getting involved and helping the party in the future. Non-party activities: I am a member of Soteria Church where I volunteer where needed and serve on the security team. I also mentor several young people in the Norwalk community.

Who is Joe Carico?

Candidate did not respond.

Why are you running?

Hutchinson: I have had several conversations with staff within the Sheriff's Office, stakeholders and community members that believe we need change. Seeing these things myself, I believe we do need a change. I am now in a position that I am able to run for the office of sheriff and once I am elected, change the direction of the Sheriff's Office for the future.

What is the most important issue facing Warren County and how would you address it in office?

Hutchinson: Safety will always be my priority as sheriff of Warren County. The biggest issue at this time in the Sheriff's Office is collaboration and communication with our law enforcement partners, staff, community, and stakeholders. There is a disconnect between these groups and we must work together through dedication, collaboration and communication to make sure we ensure safety and create a culture change in the community. As a servant leader, I will be able to bridge these gaps and address this issue as sheriff.

This article originally appeared on Des Moines Register: Two Republicans running for Warren County sheriff in the June primary