Two drones hit fuel station in Russia's Oryol Oblast causing casualties, Russian governor claims

Attack on the oil refinery in Orel (illustrative photo)
Attack on the oil refinery in Orel (illustrative photo)

Two drones crashed into a fuel depot in Russia's Livny, Oryol Oblast early in the morning of May 27, causing casualties, regional governor, Andrey Klychkov, claimed.

"This morning, during another massive attack on Oryol Oblast, a UAV fell near the fuel station in Livny," Klychkov claimed.

Part of the building's facade was damaged, he alleged.

Emergency services and city administration officials were dispatched to address the incident, he claimed.

Read also: Drone attack targets oil depot in Belgorod Oblast, Russia

While they were working, a second drone crashed into the site.

A fire department driver was killed in the incident, and three other service workers were injured, he claimed.

Explosions were heard near an oil depot in the city of Orel in March, where a fire subsequently broke out.

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