Twitter's Australia Day emoji revealed: A koala that has partied too hard


If you sink a few too many tins of beer this Australia Day, don't worry. An emoji exists that perfectly represents how you feel.

Twitter has released its first ever #AustraliaDay emoji, which will pop up next to the hashtag when you use it in a tweet.

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We can't help but think the emoji looks a lot like a koala that has partied a little too hard. It's hiding its hungover eyes behind a set of green and gold sunglasses, after all, and likely baking away in the hot Australian sun.

Twitter Emoji
Twitter Emoji

Image: Twitter

The emoji was launched in Canberra Tuesday as part of a digital exhibition that will showcase how Aussies are spending the public holiday day via tweets. You will be able to see them at the National Museum on Jan. 26, and online.

The tweets will be kept in the Twitter Time Capsule as part of the #AustraliaDay Your Way project, which means we'll be reading about people's beers, cheers and jeers on the public holiday for years to come.

Now where's our VB can emoji?

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BONUS: Want to get lucky? Try using more emoji in your texts