Twitter Slams Trump Over ‘Big Water, Ocean Water’ Comment About Puerto Rico

In case people were unsure, President Donald Trump informed the nation Puerto Rico is surrounded by "big water." Above, he is pictured Oct. 8, 2015 in Las Vegas.

With more than 25,000 tweets and counting, Twitter users said plenty about President Donald Trump’s Friday response to the disaster relief effort in Puerto Rico. He claimed it was complicated because Puerto Rico is “surrounded by water.” The term “Big Water” was a top-trending topic, with most poking fun at the president’s obvious statement.

“The response and recovery effort probably has never been seen for something like this,” Trump said. “This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.”

“The electrical grid and other infrastructure were already in very, very poor shape, they were at their life's end prior to the hurricanes, and now virtually everything has been wiped out,” Trump said. “We're literally starting from scratch.”

The president said Puerto Rico has massive debt, which also makes relief efforts difficult.

“Ultimately the government of Puerto Rico will have to work with us to determine how this massive rebuilding effort … will be funded,” he said. “And what we will do with the tremendous amount of existing debt already on the island.”

Trump added: “We will not rest, however, until the people of Puerto Rico are safe.”

“These are great people,” he said. “We want them to be safe and sound and secure and we will be there every day until that happens.”

The president took to Twitter earlier in the day to comment about the U.S. territory. “The fact is that Puerto Rico has been destroyed by two hurricanes. Big decisions will have to be made as to the cost of its rebuilding!” he tweeted. “Thank you to FEMA, our great Military & all First Responders who are working so hard, against terrible odds, in Puerto Rico. See you Tuesday!”

The big take away from the president’s speech was that it was not eloquent. Twitter users fired off tweets in droves to mock the Commander-in-Chief. Some of their messages have been shared below:

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