Twitter to the rescue! Social network helps Irishwoman find pet dog that took train to Dublin

DUBLIN - When Patch hopped aboard the train to Dublin, the power of Twitter reunited the dog with his master.

Irish Rail sent a "Lost dog!" tweet with a photo attachment after the Jack Russell terrier arrived with Wednesday morning commuters on a train from neighbouring Kilcock, County Kildare. By all accounts, the friendly dog had spent his hourlong journey being petted vigorously.

After more than 500 retweets in just 32 minutes, the photo found Patch's owner, Deirdre Anglin, who tweeted the state railway: "That's my dog!"

Anglin and Irish Rail posted a series of photos documenting her reunion with Patch, their return train trip, and car journey home. She said fellow train travellers kept asking her: "Is that the dog from Twitter?"



Anglin's tweets,!/DeirdreCA

Irish Rail tweets,!/IrishRail