Twin Peaks, season 3, part 3 recap: the mystery of the missing chocolate bunny

Kimmy Robertson and Harry Goaz as Lucy and Andy - SHOWTIME
Kimmy Robertson and Harry Goaz as Lucy and Andy - SHOWTIME

Warning: contains spoilers

Well, that was a pleasant surprise. After a challenging season opener that wove a web of fear across its two-hour running time, the tone of this episode felt like a return to the Twin Peaks of old, in which light and dark were held carefully in balance – although that phantasmagoric 20-minute opening sequence gave Lynch's experimentalism a far larger canvas (and budget) than he had back in '97. 

The first instalment was packed to the seams, introducing more unexplained deaths, supernatural ghouls and marauding subplots than you could shake a log at.

But in this followup almost nothing happened, and almost no-one spoke: half an hour went by with barely a single line of dialogue. Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) escaped from the Black Lodge – huzzah! – but that was it. It was a much-needed breather for those hardcore Peakers who stayed up until 4am to catch it as soon as it appeared online.

There’s more to the Black Lodge than bad floor tiles

Cooper left the famous red curtains and zig-zag zebra floortiles of the Black Lodge’s waiting room behind, embarking on a surreal odyssey through its lesser-known regions. This was Lynch at his most strange. The dark fantasia he created felt like a return to the avant garde world-building of his 1977 feature debut Eraserheard, with an added pinch of Pan’s Labyrinth.

The editing and sound-design lent a great deal to this slow-motion nightmare; as in Eraserhead, a series of low, ominous churning sounds and industrial hums underscored the action with an eerie grace. Cooper fell through outer space before landing in some kind of iron-clad box, occupied by an eyeless girl and (thumping the walls from outside) her potentially dangerous mother. Jerky stop-start edits made their wordless movements the visual equivalent of a scratched record. It was oddly brilliant, and brilliantly odd.

The disembodied floating head of Major Garland Briggs (the late Don S Davis, who died in 2008) popped up to say “blue rose” – an FBI code-word for supernatural goings-on. Could an old Blue Rose case turn out to be important? We didn’t have time to muse on it for long, though, because soon our favourite FBI agent had been squeezed through a plug socket and out into the real world - replacing a man who looked just like him.

How many Coopers are there?

We knew about the lank-haired serial killer Cooper (possessed by demon spirit Bob), but in this episode we met another doppelganger who didn’t seem evil, merely dull: a suburban businessman called Dougie Jones. Both doppelgangers were seemingly whisked off into the Black Lodge at the same time, after vomiting up what looked like a mixture of meat, blood and creamed corn.

Creamed corn, fans will recall, is the physical representation of a metaphysical demon snack called garmonbozia - a purée made from fear and sadness which both Bob and his one-armed adversary Mike (Al Strobel) enjoy for lunch.

Extremely attentive fans will also have noticed Dougie’s left arm was numb, and that he was wearing the Owl Cave Ring, a gold ring with a jade stone worn by demon Mike’s previous earthly host.

The ring was given to Laura Palmer shortly before her death (in the spin-off film Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me), seemingly to align her with Mike and protect her from Bob possessing her body. All clear? No? Oh well. Just pretend it makes sense for now.

All this would suggest that Dougie was somehow linked to Mike. But that didn’t hold true: when he popped up in the Black Lodge, Mike seemed almost as nonplussed as Dougie did. “Someone manufactured you for a purpose,” he pondered, “but I think that’s now been fulfilled.” What purpose? Answers on a postcard, please. Guess correctly, and win a year’s supply of garmonbozia.

Rain Man II: fruit machine wizard

Dougie, it turns out, is more interesting than he first seemed. He’s being pursued by men with guns, for reasons unknown. But Dougie’s lookalike Cooper luckily passed them by unnoticed, and ended up in a casino.

His mental faculties have have been frazzled by his pan-dimensional jaunt, but he has apparently gained the ability to win endless jackpots on the slot machines. Wait a minute... those are one-armedbandits. Another hidden reference to Mike? It’s 5am. We’re on our seventh coffee and may be overthinking this.

A slow day at the Sheriff’s office

Deputy Hawk (Michael Horse) had gathered together his best and brightest for a brainstorming session. Well, actually he hadn’t, as Michael Ontkean (who played Twin Peaks’s on-the-ball sheriff Harry S Truman) didn’t agree to come back for this series.

So instead, he had the police station’s loveable simpletons, Andy and Lucy (Harry Goaz and Kimmy Robertson). They were trying to unpuzzle a clue from the Log Lady (Catherine E Coulson). Something was missing: it related to Hawk’s heritage, and would help them find Cooper.

“If it’s not here,” asked Hawk, “then how do you know it’s missing?” A baffled silence followed.

A chocolate bunny was missing, Lucy pointed out. She had eaten it, but still thought it might be a clue. Did chocolate bunnies have anything to do with Hawk’s heritage? They did not.

He’s a gold-digger

We found out why oddball shrink Dr Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) has bought half a dozen shovels. Well, sort of. He had attached them to a Heath Robinson-esque contraption in the woods, where he was very slowly and carefully spray-painting them gold (with a nifty device to turn them around halfway through). This went on for a long time in near silence. We were literally watching paint dry. Bless him, it’s good to have a hobby.

Gordon's alive!

David Lynch as FBI agent Gordon Cole - Credit: Showtime
David Lynch as FBI agent Gordon Cole Credit: Showtime

Director David Lynch was on the other side of the camera, reprising his role as Cooper’s hearing-impaired (and VERY LOUD) boss Gordon Cole. Word had trickled back to the FBI that Cooper was alive and well, so they dropped everything to go meet him – including an investigation into the grizzly supernatural killing of two young people, a bloody set-piece in the last episode. Once again, the Millennials ended up bottom of the pile.

Let’s take a minute to appreciate Gordon Cole’s office furnishings. Behind his desk, a photo of an atomic bomb’s mushroom cloud. Covering the back wall, an enormous framed portrait of Franz Kafka. He might not know much about art, but he sure knows what he likes.

The mysteries aren't adding up...

We briefly saw a woman, possibly suicidal (she was washing down her pills with whisky), intoning the number “199” while a young boy (her son?) looked on in the background. Numbers seem to be a recurring theme in this series. The giant told Cooper "340" would be important. The door in the metal space-box was labelled "15", then changed to "3". What does it all mean? And could the ultimate answer really be 42 after all?

The cast of Twin Peaks : what happened next?
The cast of Twin Peaks : what happened next?