Twin Peaks says farewell to a much-loved character

Photo credit: Showtime
Photo credit: Showtime

From Digital Spy

This story contains multiple major spoilers for Twin Peaks: The Return episode 15.

Twin Peaks said an emotional farewell to one of its most iconic characters last night.

In a poignant phone conversation, Catherine E Coulson's much-loved Log Lady told Deputy Hawk that she was dying, and shared one final, important message with him.

Coulson died in September 2015, and filmed a number of scenes for the new season of Twin Peaks before her passing. The actress was remembered with a tribute in the closing credits of the season premiere, and episode 15 featured an 'in memory of' credit for her character Margaret Lanterman.

The Log Lady's swansong, and the moving scene afterwards where Hawk shared news that Margaret was gone with Andy, Lucy and Frank, left their impression on viewers.

Elsewhere, one mystery/fan theory was very quickly confirmed after the despicable Richard Horne tried to take on the even more despicable Evil Coop and failed spectacularly.

But yes, Richard *is* Audrey Horne's son, as had been widely suspected...

As for his dad? Well, who knows – but Evil Coop told him to get in the truck and promised to tell him more, which suggests it's kinda complicated. And of course, people have their theories...

One mystery that isn't getting any clearer any time soon is just what is going on with Audrey and her husband (or therapist?) Charlie, trapped in their hallway for what feels like a bloomin' eternity.

Why haven't they left the house yet? Why is she so angry with Charlie? Will they ever get to the Roadhouse?

But one long-running, slow-burning romance finally had a suitably sweeping resolution.

Ed and Norma *finally* got together to the soundtrack of Otis Redding's soul classic 'I've Been Loving You Too Long'. And there was much rejoicing...

Want more mystery? Well, there was plenty. Evil Coop meets with Phillip Jeffries at the Convenience Store (who, after we saw him in flashback as played by the great David Bowie, is now a giant talking teapot).

It looks like despite what Agent Jeffries said in Fire Walk With Me, they *are* talking about Judy after all, and Mr C has already made acquaintance at some point...

And is one of the biggest mysteries of all about to be resolved? A Hollywood classic sparked an important memory for Dale Cooper, just after Janey-E had been pondering how wonderful family life was for the Joneses now.

But given the role electricity plays in Twin Peaks (and Coop's arrival in Vegas via a plug socket), with that fork in the mains, have we seen the last of Dougie Jones?

Twin Peaks continues next Sunday (August 27) at 8/7c on Showtime in the US, and airs on Tuesdays at 9pm on Sky Atlantic in the UK. Season three concludes on Sunday, September 3 with episodes 17 and 18 in a feature-length finale.

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