TVLine's March BADness Tourney Begins With Villains From Jessica Jones, Farscape, Star Trek and BSG

TV, TV, on the wall… who’s the baddest of them all?

That’s the question at the heart of TVLine’s March BADness Bracket Tournament, a brutal scrum among the most violent, scheming, bitchy, low-down dirty characters ever to grace the small screen.

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Love to hate ’em or just plain love ’em, there’s no denying these 64 filthy mcnasties have left an indelible mark on the TV landscape. But treacherous as they are, they’re not about to share their glory.

That’s where you come in. From now through the end of the month, we’ll be putting up two posts per day asking you to winnow down the field to one ultimate villain. So do the dirty deed by heading down to our polls to vote for your favorites (Round 1 voting will be open for 48 hours), then hitting the comments to justify your picks.

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Our first matchups include Kilgrave of Marvel’s Jessica Jones against Scorpius of Farscape, and Star Trek: Voyager‘s Borg Queen versus Battlestar Galactica‘s Number Six.

CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE ENTIRE 64-PLAYER BRACKET (then click again for a zoomed-in view) — and keep coming back to TVLine over the next two weeks to see how March BADness plays out. Now ready, set, vote!

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