Your Turn: Preparing for the Household Hazardous Waste collection event

Rebecca Hurd
Rebecca Hurd

I’m Becca Hurd, Gaston County’s recycling coordinator. If you’ve ever thought “maybe this shouldn’t go in the trash,” there is a good chance you are right. Many household items are made with chemicals that should not end up in the environment and need to be disposed of properly. When in doubt, ask and find out! I don’t ever mind answering your questions about recycling or solid waste.

Our first Household Hazardous Waste collection of 2024 will be Saturday, March 9, at Dallas Park (1303 Dallas Cherryville Highway) from 8 until 11:30 a.m.

We will have additional collections on April 27, Sept. 21, and Nov. 16, same location. Mark your calendars now so you can plan to clean out those sheds, under the sink, garages, and basements. If you are planning to move or downsize in the next few months, getting rid of those cleaners and paints now will save you a lot of trouble when you are packing up. This is a collection for households, not for businesses nor for churches or non-profits. If you are a business, church or non-profit in need of disposal, give me a call at 704-922-7729 or email me and let’s find a vendor for your waste.

In preparation for your clean-out, here is a list of items we will take at the event: all household chemicals, cleaners, strippers, removers, drain products, solvents, aerosol cans with contents (empty cans can be placed in metal recycling containers at our convenience sites), all pesticides, herbicides, flea and tick products, pool chemicals, mixed gas fuel, kerosene, torch fuels, old gas, propane tanks for BBQ grills, oil-based paints and spray paints. These items will be accepted at the event but also every day at our non-Gastonia convenience sites: motor oil (max 5 gallons per visit at the convenience site), oil filters, and antifreeze. At the landfill you can set up an appointment for fluorescent lamps and latex paint drop off (especially if those are your only items to dispose of) but if you have other items listed above you can bring it all to HHW too! How about batteries? We will take any lithium, cadmium, nickel, rechargeable batteries. Alkaline batteries (2A, 3A, C’s and D’s) are not hazardous and can go directly into the trash can.

What about tires, TVs and electronics? Please take these to your local convenience site. Tires are free unless on the rim ($3 charge) up to 5 per day, TVs and computer monitors will cost one $4 GarbCard (stop by a local gas station to pick up, our Gaston County GarbCard Vendors are found online) and all other electronic waste is free at a non-Gastonia convenience site. Our convenience sites and all the rules of what they will accept, and associated charges can be found online.

When loading HHW in your car, please put cleaners, pesticides, aerosol cans and other smaller individual items in a box for the fastest service. Paint cans can be stacked and not necessarily boxed, as they can get heavy. Our line can get long, so being ready for drop off will make for a more efficient day.

If you are currently able bodied, why not ask your home-bound neighbor if they have some items that need to be disposed? If you have a trailer or truck bed with room to spare, offer to take some items for the mom down the street who is wrangling her toddler on Saturday morning? A simple ask can make a world of difference to someone who may not have the time or ability to do it themselves.

By making the time and effort to dispose of these items correctly, you are making our county a clean and safe place to live. The laws around HHW disposal are to protect the environment, our air, water and soil. Proper disposal keeps our landfill operating correctly without hazardous fires or contaminated leachate. Thank you for being a responsible, law-abiding citizen. See you on March 9.

This article originally appeared on The Gaston Gazette: Your Turn: Preparing for the Household Hazardous Waste collection event