Trump's Cabinet Coming Together

The cabinet picks from Trump have kept trickling in.

Because President-elect Donald Trump lacks any relevant experience in government, the choices for his cabinet could be especially important. His administration has begun to come together with another decision made Wednesday after he tapped Gen. John Kelly to head up the Department of Homeland Security, according to a report from CBS News, although the Trump transition team did not make a official announcement.

The team did make an official selection Tuesday when Trump formally announced at a North Carolina rally that retired Gen. James "Mad Dog" Mattis was his nominee for Secretary of Defense. "What a great guy, he's going to incredible," Trump said of Mattis as he stepped offstage during the stop along the president-elect's so-called thank you tour that's bouncing around to states that voted for the Republican.

Trump has already announced a number of his choices for his administration and the New York Times is keeping a handy list of official selections here. Along with Mattis' selection, some of the notable choices from the president-elect include tapping Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions for attorney general, Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo to lead the CIA, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson to head up the Department of Housing and Urban Development and naming retired Gen. Michael Flynn as national security adviser, among others.

A number of high-profile positions remain unfilled, however, including who will lead the Department of the Interior, who will serve as Director of National Intelligence and, most notably, who will be secretary of state.

Trump is making his picks at about the same pace as other recent president-elects. Following that playbook, he would fill out his cabinet by about the end of the year.

Trump said Wednesday on NBC's "Today Show" that he expects to announce next week his choice for secretary of state, the most high-profile position still unfilled. Who will earn the position has been the subject of seemingly boundless rumors. Trump said on the "Today Show" that former GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney was still being considered despite rumors that the onetime critic of the president-elect had fallen out of favor.

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