Trump throwing paper towels at a crowd in Puerto Rico is his strangest attempt at hurricane relief yet

President Trump lobbed paper towels into a crowd at a church in Puerto Rico Tuesday where he was meeting with Hurricane Maria survivors.

Photos and pool reports documented his visit at the Calvary Chapel in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, at an event for those impacted by the destructive hurricane last month. Trump was handing out supplies as part of a one-day visit to the island to survey hurricane damage.

SEE ALSO: The 5 most inappropriate things Donald Trump said at a Puerto Rico disaster briefing

The weird moment where he took a basketball stance and threw the rolls into the crowd had a lot of viewers at home scratching their heads. 

The White House pool report interjected its own commentary about Trump impersonating Golden State Warrior basketball star (and man who will not be visiting the White House) Steph Curry. 

Earlier Tuesday, Trump gave a briefing where he said a bunch of inappropriate things like comparing the death count from Hurricane Maria to Hurricane Katrina and indicating Puerto Rico's wasn't a "real catastrophe." He also appeared to deried he devastated island for throwing off the budget in a strange attempt at a joke. 

Trump did manage to hand out some supplies like a normal person: simply by passing things along to people struck hard by a devastating natural disaster.

But then he reportedly told survivors to "have a good time," so. We'll call it a wash. 

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