Trump was super critical of presidential vacations, but now he's taking his own

Trump needs a breather. It's been a grueling nearly eight months getting so much done in office and D.C. is practically dead in August anyway. So he might as well head to his favorite place, his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey. We hear it's anything but a dump there.

SEE ALSO: Donald Trump spent 1/5 of his presidency playing golf, according to least surprising report ever

This isn't just a long weekend, but a 17-day break from the White House. He jets off Friday and will return on Aug. 21. The getaway does coincide with some White House repair work, but still.

Trump has taken plenty of breaks already and he's barely been in office for 200 days. The Associated Press reports that he's been away from the Oval Office 13 of the 28 weekends since inauguration. He's taken several golf trips to his resorts in Florida and his beloved Bedminster. It's been a lot of golf.

Strange behavior for a man who wrote in his 2004 book, "Don't take vacations."

The online response to Trump's vacation plans was swift and ruthless. People fell over themselves to remind him of his vocal vacation snubbing over the years (mostly directed at his predecessor, Barack Obama).

Remember these tweets? Or these comments? Trump spent so much time tweeting about Obama, "the habitual vacationer."

It doesn't seem like Trump remembers any of this. But he's getting plenty of reminders.

Enjoy the vacay, Trump! We're looking forward to it too.

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