In New York, Trump tells veterans "nation is forever in your debt"

President Trump offered a history lesson at the New York City Veterans Day Parade on Monday, returning to his home city and state to mark the holiday. Mr. Trump and the first lady also participated in a wreath-laying ceremony in Madison Square Park.

"To each veteran of the war, the glory of your deeds will only grow greater with time," Mr. Trump said. "This city is graced with your presence. This nation is forever in your debt and we thank you all."

He noted the presence of veterans from World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the war on terror.

"You are the reason our hearts swell with pride, our foes tremble with fear, and our nation thrives in freedom."

This year, the parade honors the nation's Marines. The president noted it was particularly fitting to honor veterans in New York City.

"It is very fitting that the Veterans Day Parade begin right here in New York City," Mr. Trump said. "Since the earliest days of our nation, New York has exemplified the American spirit, and has been at the heart of our nation's story of daring and defiance."

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"CBS Evening News" headlines for Monday, November 11, 2019

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