Trump Snub Prompts Rosendale’s Quick Exit From Key Senate Race

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(Bloomberg) -- Montana Representative Matt Rosendale is dropping out of the Republican primary to unseat Senator Jon Tester just days after launching his campaign, a move that clears the way for national Republicans’ preferred candidate.

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Rosendale faced a major blow when Donald Trump endorsed Tim Sheehy, a former Navy Seal backed by Republicans including Montana Republican Senator Steve Daines, who heads the party’s campaign committee. Speaker Mike Johnson of Louisiana had also pulled his endorsement of Rosendale after a phone call from Daines.

Rosendale, who was first elected in 2020, cited the former president’s endorsement of Sheehy in a statement on his decision to withdraw. “By my calculations, with Trump endorsing my opponent and the lack of resources, the hill was just too steep,” Rosendale said.

Rosendale said he would pray over what to do next. Politico first reported his plans to drop out.

Rosendale, who had the backing from some hardliners including Senator Mike Lee of Utah, was one of the eight Republicans who helped unseat Kevin McCarthy as speaker last year. He lost to Tester six years ago despite an electorate that tilts heavily to the GOP.

National Republicans have mostly lined up behind Sheehy, who founded a company fighting wildfires and has a bullet in his arm from his service in the military.

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Montana Democratic Party Executive Director Sheila Hogan seized on Rosendale’s decision.

“Rosendale spent months making the case that Tim Sheehy has no place representing Montana in the Senate and he was right: Sheehy is an out-of-state tech millionaire completely out of touch with Montana’s way of life,” she said.

--With assistance from Billy House.

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