Trump says he'll "deal with" any Christmas surprise from North Korea

During his teleconference with troops overseas to thank them for their service on Christmas Eve, President Trump, at his Mar-a-Lago resort, answered questions on possible threats from North Korea, impeachment, and what he got the first lady for Christmas.

North Korea has threatened a potential "Christmas gift" that might necessitate a U.S. response, and a new satellite image of a factory where North Korea makes military equipment shows the construction of a new structure. But the president appeared unfazed Tuesday.

"That's OK," Mr. Trump said when reporters asked about a possible surprise from North Korea. "We'll find out what the surprise is and we'll deal with it very successfully. Let's see what happens. Everybody's got surprises for me but let's see what happens. I handle them as they come along."

The president added jokingly that maybe North Korean leader Kim Jong Un merely wants to send him a vase.

On another pressing matter in that region of the world, Mr. Trump said he'll likely hold a small signing ceremony with China for the trade deal that the administration announced earlier this month.

Mr. Trump, who started out Christmas Eve morning tweeting his frustrations with top Democrats over impeachment, defended himself when reporters asked about the articles of impeachment being held up in the House. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has yet to transmit the articles to the Senate, saying she won't do so before she knows what the Senate trial will look like and whether it will be fair. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell suggested Monday the process is at a standstill until after the holidays.

When troops had a chance to ask the president questions earlier in the event, the president didn't have a full answer for what he got his wife, first lady Melania Trump, for Christmas. The president called the soldier's question a "tough" one, adding he got her a very beautiful card and they have a great relationship. The president admitted he's "still working on a Christmas present."

"I've got a little time," the president said the day before Christmas.

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