Trump rallies supporters in Minneapolis — live stream

This article, Trump rallies supporters in Minneapolis — live stream, originally appeared on

President Trump is in Minnesota Thursday for a campaign rally in a state that he narrowly lost in 2016 but hopes to win in 2020. It's his first rally since Democrats launched their impeachment inquiry.

In 2016, Hillary Clinton squeaked out a win by a mere 1.5% in the state. Still, Mr. Trump surpassed expectations in the state, which currently holds the longest record of voting Democratic in presidential elections and was the only state won by Walter Mondale in Ronald Reagan's 49-state landslide in 1984. The last Republican to win Minnesota was Richard Nixon in 1972.

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez said at a meeting in June that if he were Mr. Trump, he would be targeting Minnesota as ground zero. In July, Mr. Trump tweeted that he would win the state in 2020.

A couple of days before the rally, Mr. Trump was fighting on Twitter with Representative Ilhan Omar. The president called on Minnesotans to "dump" Omar and the liberal Minneapolis mayor. Omar responded, "While you spew hate, we will keep fighting for the America we deserve." Mr. Trump has been feuding with Omar for months over her criticism of his administration.

The Trump campaign will have considerably more to work with in financing his attempt to win Minnesota in 2020. His record fundraising enables his campaign to try to expand the number of states he won in 2016. Minnesota is the third state Mr. Trump lost in 2016 in which he is holding a rally. He has already held rallies in New Mexico and New Hampshire.

How to watch the Trump rally today

What: Donald Trump Rally

Date:  Thursday, October 10, 2019

Time: 8 p.m. ET

Location: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Watch in the live player above

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